Maharashtra State Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education Aurangabad


Executive Council

The Executive Council shall consist of – (Total 10 Members)

Subject to the control of the State Board, the Executive Council shall be the executive authority of the State Board and shall consist of the Chairman and Nine other members elected by the State Board as under –

One Member to be elected by the State Board from amongst the Ex-officio members referred to in section 5(1) class A (excluding the chairman of Divisional Boards) that is –

Section 5(1) A –
(i)  The Director of Education, or any other officer of the Department of Education designated by the State Government. (The Director of Higher Education or any other Officer of the Department of Education designated
by the Divisional Board.

(ii) The Chairman of the Divisional Boards.

(iii) The Director of Technical Education, or any other Officer of the Department of Technical Education designated by the State Government.

(iv) The Director of Agriculture, or any other Officer of the Agriculture Department designated by the State Government. (The Director of Art, or any other Officer of the Directorate of Art designated by the State Government)

(v)  The Director, State Council for Educational Research and Training.

One Member to be elected by the State Board from amongst the elected members referred to in section 5(1) class B – Section 5(1) B-

(i)  One member from each University in the State established by law, who  shall be the person elected by the Academic Council or other designated  authority of that University.

Five Members to be elected by the State Board from amongst nominated members referred to in section 5(1) class C (i), (ii) and (iv) out of which at least 2 shall be representatives of Junior colleges-

Section 5(1) C –

(i) (Six members designated by the State Government), from amongst the (principals), headmasters and headmistresses nominated as members of the Divisional Boards (of whom at least one shall be the principal of junior  college.)

(i-a) Two members of the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly nominated by the Speaker of the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly.

(i-b) One member of the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly nominated by the Chairman of the Maharashtra Legislative Council.

(ii)   (Six members designated by the State Government) from amongst the teachers nominated as members of the Divisional Boards (of whom at  least two shall be teachers of Junior colleges.)

(iii)  (Six members designated by the State Government.) from amongst representatives of the managing bodies of secondary schools (and junior colleges) nominated as members of the Divisional Boards (of whom at least one shall be the representative of the managing bodies of junior colleges.)

One Member to be elected by the State Board from amongst the other nominated members referred to in section 5(1) class C (v)

Section 5(1) class C(v)

(Six members designated by the State Government), nominated by reasons of their having special knowledge, or practical experience in matters connected with primary, secondary or higher secondary education, of whom not less than one shall be a women).

One Member to be elected by the State Board from amongst all the members of the State Board, irrespective of their class.

As per MSHSEB Regulations 1977- (As amended up to 31st Oct 1990)


Subject to the control of the State Board, the Executive Council shall be the executive authority of the State Board and shall consist of the Chairman and nine other members elected by the State Board as under –

( i ) One member to be elected by the State Board from amongst the Ex-officio members referred to in section 5

(I)-Class-A: ( excluding the Chairmen of Divisional Boards )

(ii) One member to be elected by the State Board from amongst the elected members referred to in section 5


(iii) Five members to be elected by the State Board from amongst nominated members referred to in section 5

(1)-Class C ( i ), (ii), (iii) and (iv) out of which at least 2 shall be representatives of junior colleges;

( iv ) One member to be elected by the State Board from amongst the other nominated members referred to in section 5 ( 1 )-Class C ( v );

( v ) One member to be elected by the State Board from amongst all the members of the State Board, irrespective of their Class.

( 2 ) Subject to the provisions of the Act and the Regulations, the Executive Council shall have the following duties and functions, namely :–

( i ) to determine the form, provide for the custody and regulate the use of the common seal of the State Board;

(ii) to transfer and accept transfer, hold, control, administer and deal with any property, movable and immovable and funds of the State Board and to enter into contract on behalf of the State Board provided that no transfer of immovable property shall be made without the previous sanction of the State Board :

(iii) to manage and regulate the finances, accounts and investments of the State Board;

( iv ) to invest, subject to the provisions of the Act, any moneys belonging to the State Board, including any unapplied income, in any of the Securities authorised by the Indian Trusts Act, 1882, or, in the purchase of immovable property in India, with the like power of varying such investments or to place in fixed or call deposit in any Scheduled Bank, any portion of such money, not required for immediate expenditure;

( v ) to accept, receive, hold, control, administer and deal with any fund, bequests, donation, endowments, trusts and other transfers of any property, or interest therein or right thereto, placed at the disposal of the State Board, for specific purposes;

( vi ) to consider the ‘annual, revised or supplementary budget estimates and the annual accounts of income and expenditure of’ the State Board and the recommendations of the Finance Committee of the State Board thereon and to submit them to the State Board;

(vii) to recommend the number of Joint Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries and be appointed by the State Government under section 21(5) of the Act, for the offices of the State Board and the Divisional Boards;

(viii) to sanction :—

( a ) the number of posts of officers and servants to be employed by the State Board under section 22(1) of the Act, within the several categories and cadres specified in Regulation 18 (i)(a) and to suspend, hold in abeyance or abolish any such posts;

( b ) the payment of special pay and other allowances at such rates and subject to such conditions as it may deem fit in respect of :—

(i ) specialised nature of duties or additional duties performed by employees of the State Board;

(ii ) duties performed on Sundays and holidays by the employees 01 the State Board;

(iii) duties performed by the employees of the State Board, beyond normal hours;

( iv) any remunerative jobs done by employees of the State Board, outside their office hours;

(ix) subject to the budget provisions sanctioned under section 31 of the Act, to sanction the purchase or hire of stores., paper, forms, stationery, furniture or other equipment required for the State Board’s office, after calling for tenders and to scrutinise them when received or enter into a contract for the purposes of the Act; Provided that it .shall not be necessary to call for any tender if the value of stores, paper, forms, stationery, furniture or other equipment required or the expenditure involved in the contract is less than Rs. 1,000/- or if the above articles are urgently required or the work in respect of which, the contract is entered into needs to be urgently carried out or if the Executive Council does not think it advisable to call for tenders for reasons recorded by it;

( x ) to enter into, vary, carry out and cancel on behalf the State Board a contract for the provision of buildings and supply of materials for proper discharge of duties assigned to it by the Act and the Regulations.

(xi ) to write ‘off irrecoverable sums due in respect of stores, priced publications, statements of marks and unserviceable articles of dead-stock if the amount of the dues in each ease exceeds Rs. 500/-, but don not exceed Rs.2000/-;

(xii) to advise generally the Chairman on any matter connected with the work of the State Board which it deems lit or which the Chairman may refer to it;

(xiii) to report to the State Board upon any matter concerning which its views which may be invited by the State Board or in respect of which it considers that it should tender advice to the State Board;

(xiv) to make recommendations to the State Board concerning the framing or amendment of Regulations and Bye-laws of the State Board after considering the recommendations, if any, of the Divisional Boards, and the other Committees of the State Board;

(xv) to institute and make provision for the grant of scholarships, medals, prizes and other rewards and to prescribe conditions therefor;

(xvi) ( a ) to accept, reject, or refer back any proposal, recommendation Or report from the Academic Council of the State Board;

(b) to accept, reject, refer back or modify any proposal, recommendation or report from the Finance Committee, Examinations Committee or other Committees of the State Board;

(xvii) to recommend to the State Board, for approval, rates of travelling allowance and remuneration to paper-setters, moderators, examiners, translators and others after taking into consideration the recommendations of the Divisional Boards and the other Committees of the State Board, if any;

(xviii) to lay down the procedure and specify the penalties to be followed by the Divisional Boards, in dealing with cases of use of unfair means by persons seeking admission to or appearing at the examinations conducted under the authority of the State Board;

(xix) to authorise such advance as it may from time to time consider necessary, to remain in the hands of the Secretary, to meet legitimate petty expenditure;

(xx) to get prepared on behalf of, and to recommend to the State Board, text books for all standards including the final standard, for, sanction subject to, such conditions, if any, as it may deem fit, after taking into consideration the recommendations of the respective Boards of Studies and the Academic Council,

Duties of the committee

Executive Council
To Prepare rules and regulations regarding the executive, financial and administrative procedures, to make amendments if necessary and take decisions regarding other matters.

Statutory Committees

Statutory Committees

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